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From: trentretro
Date: Sun Mar 23, 2003 5:51pm
Subject: first night in Stevenage report

so I've just got back, if you are going and don't want to know what
happens at all don't scroll down, he's pretty funny, nice and
worrying people that he's going to choose them, he also hangs out in
the bar afterwards sighning things and generally being a nice guy.
In previous reviews it's been said that people in the bar were
saying that things on stage were not what they'd seemed but EVERYONE
I spoke to or heard talking afterwards who had gone up certainly
didn't give that impression. When I asked derren why he didn't have
more shows in Scotland he said it was becuase it had been hard to
get booked places since when they were organizing the tour Mind
Control was not on much and nobody rteally knew who he was so
ventues were reluctant to book him, but he thinks on future tours
there will be more dates, so if he's not near you wherever you are
have hope! if you don't want to know anymore don't go any further.

if you ever read any of the written reports from his two shows in
Bristol this tour seems pretty much a repeat of that. He starts off
with a voice over and three shapes on a board, he picks someone from
the audiance and gets them to pick a shape then sends them on to the
stage to read out a letter (saying how great derren is) which has
written at the bottom the shape they chose. then he come out and
gets everyone to stand up and does the coin trick from which he
picks someone to go on stage, then he guesses the hand 5 times for
£50. He got the final one wrong (!) but asked the girl if she
wanted to bet the £50 on £500 and she said yes. He showed her a
cheque for £500 then got her to open another envelope and say what
was inside, to his horror she said it was a picture of a budgie or
something (yes, fans of derren may have quessed it was not a budgie
but his beloved pet parrot Figaro) Derren was not impressed by
this 'budgie or something' thing! So he puts an envelope at either
end of the stage and tells her to pick one but waits to the end of
the show. Then he does other stuff such as memorising the Stevenage
phone book (he said he only did this for three shows becuase of the
time it took), getting two people on stage putting them in a trance
type thing and touching one then the other said they'd been touch
the same amount of times (like he did with the lap dancers only
pretending it was a link between two people) I'm trying to think
what else he did, he must have done other stuff but I'm obviously
loosing my mind and can't remember. The girl chose the picture of
the parrot at the end of the first half.

The second half is (again, like bristol) about contacting the dead
type of thing, it only has three drawn out mind control stuff, one
of which I'll post in another message as derren doesn't want anyone
really talking about the second half but this is a question about
him setting stuff up before hand, wso if anyone doesn't want any
second half magic spoiled they won't have to.

if you have any questions or querries about what derren is like to
meet (if only meeting breifly) or the show just post back.

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