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From: Blue Chip
Date: Mon Mar 10, 2003 2:33am
Subject: Re: [Derren Brown] Sunday Telegraph 9/03/03 Can this man read minds? - Part 1

lol - ever 'ad one of those dayz?

>Derren Brown has been astonishing audiences with his apparent
>telepathic powers. Is it just a trick? John Preston spends a
>bewildering day with the celebrated 'psychological magician'.
>Let me make one thing quite clear at the outset. I am not, I think,
>a particularly credulous person. Nor do I generally allow strangers
>to go rooting about in the dark dungeons of my subconscious.
>Frankly, I prefer those dungeons to remain properly bolted - to me
>or anyone else. Especially me, come to think of it. Bearing all this
>in mind, let us step bravely into the unknown.
>I am sitting in the Bristol flat of the 'psychological magician'
>Derren Brown. All around the walls are stuffed animals, including a
>moose, a fox and a turkey. There is also - unstuffed - a parrot
>which fltters about and occasionally alights on my knee. Brown has
>asked me to write down three memories from childhood on three pieces
>of paper. One memory is to do with an activity I enjoyed; one a
>hobby I had; and one the name of a friend.
>On my first piece of paper I have written 'Athletics'. On my second
>piece of paper, not altogether accurately, given that the only
>[e-mail address removed]>

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