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From: luise_f
Date: Thu Mar 6, 2003 6:14pm
Subject: Subliminal Message to Greg Dyke

Dear BBC Director General.

Do you remember that very good series you had on BBC2 last Autumn,
called 'Liar'? The one with the very interesting format about lying
and body language and guessing who's fibbing? Yes, the one with that
rubbish Paul Kaye (dennis pennis) as presenter, the one with no
people skills whatsoever, that completely ruined the show.

It must be tough trying to think of a new presenter for this one.

You'd need someone expert in body language, yet with enormous public
rapport. Someone with cross-examining abilities. No not Clive
Anderson, he's old! Someone more happening and fresh.

It's driving me nuts too. There must be someone out there who could
do this (cough) lucrative gig. But who?? It's so hard!

Love Lu x

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