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From: aria_da_cap0
Date: Mon Mar 3, 2003 10:38pm
Subject: Re: [Derren Brown] No emoticon for what I am feeling...

maybe this isn't the best comparision but Derren is a bit like David
Dickinson(!!!) basically he's a bit of a dandy. He likes to look good
which in my book is no bad thing.

aria x

--- In a previous message Mike Vizard wrote:
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: designforlife [mailto:]
> Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 12:57 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Derren Brown] No emoticon for what I am feeling...
> --- In a previous message Mike Vizard wrote:
> > Well Said June,
> > Orientation really does have nothing to do with anything Derren
> done.
> > Even if he was(And i think that has nothing to do with anyone of
> us) what
> > business is it of anyone's to even suggest it, especially on such
> forum.
> If you're suggesting that suggesting someone is gay is a bad thing,
> then, logically, I would have to suggest that you don't like gay
> people.
> #My Best Friend is Gay, My boss is Gay But i guess i don't like my
> then or have a problem with it.
> Now, I know that's probably not true, so I WON'T suggest
> that,
> #Your refusal to say it when already written it is rather odd.
> instead I will politely suggest that you remain calm and stop
> trying to censor people's conversations.
> #If i were calmer i would be asleep. It would take a lot more than
> forum could ever throw out to wind me up.. Believe me..
> > This is the kind of thing the worlds best in gutter press(British
> > newspapers)love to read and then spread everywhere serving only to
> damage
> > many a performers career
> Damage it how? By making homophobes not watch their shows? Boo-hoo.
> What a ridiculous suggestion. Britain truly is a country of
> curtain-twitchers, if this comment is any representation of fact.
> #I guess you have never had it said to you then as you would know
what sort
> of effect it has on "non famous people" never mind "Stars"
> Besides, eagle-eyed readers may have noted that most of the posts
> were dedicated to demonstrating how Derren is not actually gay
> #Did notice that
> - so
> you can all breathe a sigh of relief that his career has not
> been "damaged".
> #Not yet at least
> > So lets give it a rest and not continue down this line of
> conversation.
> > It's relevance to anything or anyone is beyond me.
> It's not relevant, true, it's none of my business, true, it's a
> personal matter, ALL TRUE, but that's not the point.
> #that was purely my point and i thank you for proving me right
> It's not illegal
> or immoral to discuss it and you will have to live with that,
> unfortunately.
> #Never claimed it was
> This is the internet, not the letters page of the
> Daily Mail and even if it were, I doubt they would be so censorious.
> #Don't read newspapers waste of money and full of you know what.
> I don't remember anyone getting up in arms when there was discussion
> of Derren's supposed new girlfriend, either. One kind of speculation
> acceptable and another not?
> #Unfortunately i was not a member then so i can't comment. If i was
i may
> have commented
> I can only assume that it's the subject
> matter that offends.
> #Then i guess you read too much into my comments and clearly it is
> which has been found to be offensive to people
> Put your reply in the context of the much
> earlier discussion of Sue the Psychologist (the supposed girlfriend)
> and you'll see how po-faced and hysterical it sounds.
> #As i said, i was not a member, and as such it may sound po faced,
> having not been a part of the group then i cannot be accused of
being this
> when not around at the time.
> Could you give a comment on what was said in 10 downing street this
> over breakfast? I doubt it (An attempt to and justify trying will
just show
> you up)
> Apologies for ranting but I feel strongly about this issue, did you
> guess?
> Apology accepted any please accept mine in return but i was merely
trying to
> say that anyone else's sexual orientation is irrelevant to anyone
> themselves and their partner. Any comments about other people
should be made
> whilst the said person is in that particular forum, Thus allowing
them to
> confirm or deny if they choose to. Ever had people talk about you
> your back and then find out?
> As i said apologies for getting people so wound up. Don't worry
about other
> peoples lives, Just get on with your own..
> Mike V x > >
> ---
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