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Message ID: 03018[ Previous ]    [ Next ]    [ Up Thread ]

From: trentretro
Date: Mon Mar 3, 2003 5:31pm
Subject: [Derren Brown] Re: gaydars and milkshakes

okay, perhaps he's sexy becuase he's on t.v. we all know fame has
it's alures, and I thought 'the net' was supposesed to trancend
genres of sexulity, male/female, age ets and just be a meeting of

--- In a previous message evilk3fka wrote:
> Derren is sexy. I don't know why. "It must be mind control!"
> Joe
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------
> "Bee there, orr bee a rectangular thyng!"
> The Dibbler, Soul
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------

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