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From: Barry
Date: Thu Feb 13, 2003 12:31pm
Subject: Re: Partial DB chat transcript - 12/02/02

Great job mjm! I was there for most of the 2 hours and you've
trimmed away all of the fat very nicely. Pity Yahoo Chat doesn't
allow easy saving of the transcript like Yahoo Messenger does :-(
DB was amazingly tenacious and courteous putting up with all our
drivel for so long. Good on ya Derren! :-)


--- In a previous message mjm710 wrote:
> First up highlights - 2 new special later this year(mostly live),
> also MC on DVD plus bonus footage (autumn this year).
> Ok next,limitations ....
> o I didn't enter the chat room until half an hour after scheduled
> start time so I have no idea what happened before 8.00pm. So if
> anyone else can remember anything from the opening skirmishes it
> would be helpful.
> o Also yahoo chat only buffers a certain amount. So some of the
> chat was chopped off.
> o I have only put in the questions that Derren answered
> I have cut some peoples questions down but the majority are the
> version.
> o I have cut everyone's name down but you should be able to
> yourself from what I have left.
> o The transcript follows the chat pretty closely - so the questions
> do feel quite disjointed at times.
> /mike
> DB yahoo chat 12/02/03 7.30(?)-9.40
> DB: MC dvds – autumn including bonus footage...
> DB: not sure (what extras) yet. Maybe the entire footage of me
> dancing. Very erotic.
> Gordo- are you giving any lectures or recording lecture vids in the
> near future.
> DB: No. Sorry stopped all that.
> Rossgillie: have you ever read emile coue's essay on suggestion?
> What
> did you make of it?
> DB: long time ago, would have to re-read it
> Jh: How is Figaro?
> DB: Figaro is delightful
> Mrmaj: Will you be visiting Blackpool this year?
> DB: No, sorry. Keep away from them now.
> Aria: If I saw you on the street in Bristol, would you talk to me
> I approached you?
> DB: yes, say hello. I'm utterly charming.
> Gameer: Is there an MC 4?
> DB: 2 specials in October. Both mainly live.
> Davidab: What do think make a really good showman?
> DB: I have to be brief. I think the best answer is writing. That
> natural charisma.
> Lauren: if someone came upto you in the street, would you be able
> tell if they fancied you even before they spoke?
> DB: well if it was you
> Mat: What sort of routines do you do on your live show
> DB: ah, wait and see my pretty.
> DB: I am not suggesting you are pretty, Mat.
> Mat: Oh but I am
> DB: Neither that you're not, of course
> Stu: do you ever contribute to the yahoo group?
> DB: no never have, sorry. Nothing personal.
> Davidabb – How have you managed to master so many separate
> performing
> so completely?
> DB: lots of time and practice.
> Bass: What is your opinion on exposing mediums?
> DB: I'm all for it.
> Jh: Will you be staying behind for a drink at all the shows?
> DB: whenever possible
> Astoned: Can you recommend any good NLP/Hypnosis trainers or course
> in the UK?
> DB: Don't really like any of them enough to recommend them.
> Bandler's
> fun, though, a showman though.
> Lauren: Don't forget my challenge to beat you n hand game in
> Birmingham
> DB: will try not to
> Aitch: how much is it to book you for a dinner party and how long
> would you perform for?
> DB: best to email my manager through the site. Not a good place to
> talk prices.
> DavidAbb: I can only say that Derren has inspired me and a friend
> do a mentalism show at a fringe theatre this autumn.
> DB: let me have the details. I'll come and see it if I am about.
> Davidabb: We would be very honoured if you could attend. It will be
> in London.
> DB: Email my manger with the details. Love to if I can.
> Davidabb: The same invitation is extended to everyone in this room.
> You are all welcome to see the show for free. Will post details
> when the show is ready.
> DB: **** - not coming now ...(!)
> Eke: Do you drink
> DB: sure
> Astoned: Are there any NLP, hypnotism books, or the power of
> suggestion that you would say are a must read?
> DB: all and everything. Bandlers books are good.
> Jh: are you a whisky man?
> DB: yes, enormously, In a classy way though, of course.
> Jh: Not Jack Daniels then?
> DB Christ no
> Hypnoharry: Are you planning any workshops in the future?
> DB: interesting thought, maybe.
> ???: Is it better to read more everyday life books on suggestion or
> would you recommend reading more of knepper and banachek material.
> DB: depends if you want to be a magician or not.
> Bass: What is your opinion of those who criticise the likes of Ian
> Rowland for exposure?
> DB: generally don't sympathise with them.
> Jh: do you get chauffeured to the shows?
> DB: Yes, though not very posh. I don't drive.
> Eke: Is it like a taxi?
> DB: No I have a driver.
> Snail: Lauren, you can be Derren's new driver
> Lauren: yeah derren I will drive you as long as I don't have to
> turn
> right at a roundabout.
> Jh: do you choose not to drive or haven't you passed your test?
> Db: choose
> Ross: Are you interested in politics?
> DB: Nope
> DB: Anyone seen About Schmidt? Great film.
> Gordo: I assume there was a reason you asked. Did it strike a chord?
> DB: no, just thought it was very good and wondered
> Jh: What is you favourite film?
> DB: Probably Wings of Desire, by Wim Wenders. Also big Polanski
> The Tenant – great stuff.
> Phosjaw: are you a David Lynch fan?
> DB: Yes
> Ross: Do you play vidoegames?
> Gordo: do you still post on magic forums?
> Darrenism: Is wings of desire the 1 with Peter Falk about angels?
> DB: Ross – no, no,no. Gordo – no,no, no. Darrenism, yes.
> Hypno: How has inspired you most during your career?
> DB: A guy called Chan Canasta
> Phosjaw: Would you agree to do a Louis Theroux programme?
> DB: yes, sure. Flattered.
> Lauren: after you sent the ghost train man through his ride did you
> take away the fear you'd just given him afterwards?
> DB: yes, sure
> Bass: Would you describe yourself as the new Paul Daniels?
> DB: No bass I wouldn't.
> Hypno: Are you planning anymore MC show and when?
> DB: 2 specials in the autumn. Next year – another series, 2
> specials. Year after another series.
> Jh: Are you looking forward to seeing Richard and Judy (again!)
> DB: Oh yes. Are you?
> Davidabb: has anyone ever expressed hostility towards you on
> of (what seem to be ) your mind control powers?
> DB: Yes, hostility I do get it.
> Jh: Do you get stopped in the street much?
> DB: yes a few times a day.
> Eke: do you like Terry Pratchett?
> DB: No, not my thang.
> RobinMa: do you ever use instant stooge methods in MC series?
> DB: No. Have done in the past as a magician, but silly to do that
> tv.
> DB: paintings – will sell prints soon through the site.
> DB: site will be revamped and should be very exciting.
> Jh: What has changed on the new site then?
> DB too much to go into! Still designing it. Be a month or so.
> Ras: Would you recommend Pure Effect for beginners or only trained
> magicians?
> DB: useless for anyone other than a working magician.
> Gordo: Was your stint in Bristol a warm up for your tour?
> DB: yes, same show.
> Lea: Do you have any mind control hints I could use for my
> interview this month? Cos I'm really scared
> DB: never poo yourself in an interview. They frown on that. Do you
> think you might?
> Gordo: would you reckon that about 20% of the people at your shows
> are magicians?
> DB: no, not that many
> Phos: the one where you touched the backs of the erotic dancers'
> hands – is that called pyschokinetic touch?
> DB: Not the same
> Jh: sometimes you picked people out your live show then looked them
> in the eye and said "no sit down" and picked someone else.
> Why is
> that?
> DB: not everyone looks right for it. I have to be quick in
> people, so I look for response patterns.
> Gordo: have you got the coin thing 100% wrong?
> DB: depends what you mean. Wrong 5 times in a row? No. Once or
> Robi: What A levels did you do?
> DB: politics, german, english
> Gordo : are you aware of McGill's mentalism work?
> DB: yes. Amusing pictures in the book
> Robin: have you learnt more form books or live teaching from others?
> DB: most from live work – actually doing it
> David abb: Do you come from a show business family?
> DB: No, not at all. Very suburban
> Ross: What is your favourite confusion technique?
> DB: I do use the handshake a lot, but equally purely linguistic
> versions can be more subtle
> Jh: Was the cat yours or did you buy it ready stuffed?
> DB: bought it stuffed
> Peter: Do you do any work training, demos etc with trad psych
> establishment?
> DB: have done some stuff with them, find it all unbearable
> Jh: will you have figaro stuffed when he dies? (sorry!!)
> DB: yes and mounted as sherlock holmes. All dressed up
> Phos: Are you a Holmes fan?
> DB: Had a real phase, yes.
> Gordo: Did your uni mates give you a hard time when you were plying
> your trade?
> DB: yes, hugely. Especially the Christian union
> Hinkypunk: Have you seen Madame Butterfly?
> DB: I have seen a few productions. Do you know who is doing it?
> Dorsette: Will you take people from all around the theatre or just
> the front?
> DB: I'll do my best. There'll be (hopefully) a lot of people
> Ironbrew – did you have any other jobs before becoming a full
> time
> mentalist
> DB: not really. Sold antique jewellery for a bit and hired wedding
> suits in a shop but just holiday work.
> Hinkypunk: What was the last play you saw?
> DB: tobacco Factory Shakespeare starting here – highlight of my
> year.
> Last thing I saw was a strange Indian thing at the same venue.
> Can't
> remember the name.
> Jh: do you find it annoying when people stop you in the street?
> DB: no, if people are civil then it always fine. If they're
> annoying,
> then it's annoying.
> Borntoq: What was your favourite TV moment?
> DB: David Brent getting up with the ostrich costume on
> Darrenism: What about the League of Gentlemen?
> DB: Less keen on that now. Have got to know Ricky Gervais a bit,
> like him a lot.
> Davidabb: What is the best way to develop such a variety of moods
> a full length show?
> DB: good scripting. Get a director. You as a performer will not be
> good judge of what's working. That's the most difficult
> lesson for
> any type of magical performer to learn when doing a stage show.
> Peter: Were you named after Derren Nesbitt? Or is it a family thang?
> DB: possibly, there are few of us around and we all seem to be from
> about that time. Awful
> Mat: Is nlp nonsense then?
> DB: not entirely, no, but as a scene it's way too evangelical for
> my
> tastes
> Phos: Do you like Tony Buzan's memory books
> DB: haven't read them
> Jamesdav: where did you learn photo reading?
> DB: taught myself
> Gordo: Where did you get your books, and did stuffed animals stem
> from your love of painting?
> DB: books from all over the place, animals,.... not sure. It's
> probably
> very wrong
> Peter: have you been tempted to apply your skills to other
> applications e.g. stopping the bloody war.
> Darrenism: Do a trance induction whereby ...
> Darrenism: saddam is made to think he is Jacko
> & jacko is made to think he is bush
> DB: there's a dirty joke there. Give me a minute.
> Nope. Nothing.
> Darrenism: & bush is made to think he is on "Stars in their
> eyes"
> saying "Tonight Matthew ..." (No I'm not going to go there)
> DB: Tonight Matthew I'll be pressing charges?
> James: where do you think MC is going?
> DB: with 2 live bits this year that'll build it. Then it's a
> case of
> moving forward, keeping it varied, trying new ideas and formats.
> some cool ideas (I hope) up my sleeve
> Phos: What is your favourite holiday destination
> DB: Florence – haven't been yet
> James: is the new live show very different from the Bristol show?
> DB: it's the same – it was to run it in
> Phos: How much bigger are the tour venues than the Bristol gigs?
> DB: Quite a bit bigger. There have had to be some changes.
> Dorsette: will you get bored doing the same thing every night?
> DB: not at all. It's never quite the same
> James; I was at the last night in Bristol and I'm convinced you
> planted that mad woman in the audience
> DB: she was great. No, not a plant. She fell on her face when she
> left. Very funny, though I shouldn't say that.
> Astoned: Would I be right in saying the skills you have learnt to
> in your show are NLP, hypnosis, body language and mentalism. Are
> other skills involved?
> DB: all those but a lot of showmanship too. It's not a
> documentary.
> Borntoq: Was going on Born Sloppy fun?
> DB: I was there for 7 hours. Not really
> Jh: it looked like a nightmare
> DB: mm-mm
> James: I thought the Ross thing was harder in a way
> DB: Thought ross was OK but not great
> Bass: why do you no longer post to magic forums?
> DB: I think they're not really my thing
> Robin: Is it possible to do something online now or is that too
> difficult cos you can't see us?
> DB: not a chance. I can barely keep my eyes open
> Davidabb: I'd like to do the show with 80% Corinda and 20% with
> fancy
> stuff(Kenton,Banachek, DB). Do you think that is a useful mix or
> should we stick to Corinda due to our limited magic experience.?
> DB: I can't say. Depends what you're good at , and you think
> will
> work the best. Don't try the risky stuff just because it is more
> satisfying to perform
> DB: It's gone four now and I should probably go. Bless you all
> DB: Hah I should stay and see what you all say about me.
> DB: Have a lovely evening. Come and say hello after the show if you
> can, but do bear in mind I'll be knackered and there may be a lot
> of
> people.
> DB: Bah- good luck James

RepliesAuthorYahoo! IDDateSize
2738: Re: Partial DB chat transcript - 12/02/02mesaboogieukmesaboogieukThu 13/02/20032 KB
2740: Re: Partial DB chat transcript - 12/02/02BarryphosjawThu 13/02/20032 KB
2741: Re: Partial DB chat transcript - 12/02/02mat_2001matmat_2001matThu 13/02/20032 KB
2742: Re: Partial DB chat transcript - 12/02/02mat_2001matmat_2001matThu 13/02/20032 KB

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