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From: steve shannon
Date: Sat Feb 8, 2003 4:41pm
Subject: file

> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2003 10:16:39 -0600
> From: Rex Steven Sikes
> Subject: file
> Hi,
> I am willing to help here in whatever way I can if
> people are interested.
> The book was pirated - not something I released in
> pdf. form.
> I am aware it is probably everywhere. It would be
> nice if I could
> keep my property as it is intended but that is
> fanciful I know.
> Still if I can help to shed light, answer questions
> about NLP
> if I can - I am happy to.
> Thanks!
> Rex

Hello Rex,

I have a few questions actually, if you don't mind.

1. Could you please talk a little about hypnotic
loops, and how they're used in persuasion engineering?

2. Is it true that the methods of DHE can be used to
install hallucinations like "X-ray" glasses?

3. If it is, is it just done like traditional elman
type self-hypnosis, or is there (as I imagine) some
neat visualisation techniques with cross modalities
and anchoring?

4. Could you please give a rough outline of the DHE
hallucinations you use, and how you installed them?




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