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From: The One
Date: Wed Jan 8, 2003 10:14pm
Subject: Re: [Derren Brown] Re: 30 Second Conversational Trance Induction


I didn't feel anything with my clothes, and doubt anything close to trance
occurred while reading this. Should it have?


>From: marcthomashogan
>Subject: [Derren Brown] Re: 30 Second Conversational Trance Induction
>Date: Wed, 08 Jan 2003 17:56:47 -0000
>Hi all
> >How do you know if you have put someone in trance?
>This is a good question, and The Hands shake interupt is one
>method, ( I'll come on to it Later) however, it depends on your
>meaning of trance ....
>I mean as you sit there looking at your computer screen, wondering
>what trance is, curious to know how it works, you'll probably begin
>to notice the feeling of your clothes on your skin and as you
>notice, you brgin to smile now that you suddenly realise how easy
>it is for you to go into trance
>It doesn't have to be a deep sombulistic trance for it to be
>effective, trance is just a deeeply relaxed state of mind..
>Now for what BC wrote re the Hand Shake Interupt
> > I find a change in eye-accessing cues is the most obvious
>Yes, you'll also get skin tone changes, breathing changes etc
> > You will find this an interesting experiment. My own variant on
>the now popular handshake induction technique.
>I like the HS interrupt but, i find it fairly useless in the real
>world as people will think your mad..... however lets carry on
> > Offer hand; look at hand; look at person and say "Hello, how <nod
> > and include another glimpse to the hand are yo.." and fade off
> >before the "you" is finished (or whatever words you have chosen to
> >say)
>Ok firstly you'll induce confusion, which is fine if you want to do
>Not so useful if you want to have any type of rapport afterwords
> > The aim is to get the timing so that the handshake WOULD naturally
> >start at the end of the sentence - but the sentence never quite
><ends ... and the hands never quite get round to meeting.
>this again will make you look weird.....
> > The "fade off" is achieved by pretending that you have just gone
> > into a trance yourself - you know, let your eyes defocus, let
> > your shoulders drop a little, lower your breathing rate -
> > literally pretend to have just gone off into a trance.
> > As you do this, they will almost invariably continue to match your
> > body language and go into a trance themselves. After a second-or-
> > so (sorry for the ambiguity, but you will appreciate it after you
> > have got it to work)
>Again this is fine if you are performing,
>But this is no use in everyday situations, how many times will you
>have to practice this to get it right?
>How many people will think your weird?
> >Let your sight slowly come back, so that you feel in control,
>whilst maintaining ALL other indications that you are in a trance.
>BC You can be in trance without having cross eyes!!
> > Maintaining the eye contact, slowly remove your hand from the
> > equation and DO NOTHING.
> > You will be amazed how long people are prepared to stand there
> > with their hand in front of them doing nothing.
>Thats because they are totally cofused?
>And If you have'nt got it right, they'll either
>a) Run away
>b) Hit you
>You'll have no rapport which is where all influence is!
> > They will often go completely cataleptic
>So all you've done is induced caltylepsy - if you just hold their
>arm tight you'll achive the same effect!!
> > To terminate the effect simply say something like "sorry, I
> > wandered off there for a moment..." and now with fresh
> > confidence "How are you?" and shake their hand.
>Again this process is completely Overt,
>Not to mention overly difficult - they'll know you are doing
>And they will probably be scared of you for the rest of their
>lives - which is fine if you are Derren Brown or a Hypnotherapist
> > You should not wait too long or they will wonder what the f' is
> > wrong with you - and often become a little aggitated - not a good
> > outcome.
>LOL!!! BC I enjoy are private chats - you are the master of
> > The cue of "too long" will be the moment they perform an access.
> > As they go for it, you step in with your apology. Lest they have
> > an independant thought - tut tut tut that would never do {never
> > do what to whom?}
>Thats a funny comment , however thats a person in front of you, you
>can induce trance naturally and easily without scary commands
>and "Hypnovoice" "!
> > By doing this. You will soon know what someone in a trance looks
> > like.
>Maybe, however its more likely that youu see someone who looks
>b)Pissed Off
>BC there is nothing wrong with this process, and this is not a
>criticism of you :- ))it is a criticism of The Hand Shake Interupt
>In General
>I'm not saying it won't work, but after 10 years of experience in
>hypnosis & NLP there are much more elegant and precise ways to
>induce covert waking trance
>Keep Safe
>Persuasion-skills "The Magic of Persuasion" Sat 1st Feb 2003

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