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From: ganetauk
Date: Tue Dec 31, 2002 11:43pm
Subject: tricks

Place a penny on a bar or table and place your hand over it. You
quickly raise your hand and close it into a fist. The coin is in your
palm. Yet when someone else tries it, the coin remains on the table.

The secret: Put your hand on the coin so that the coin rests on the
ball of your hand just below the third finger. Now just before you
lift it, press down hard and quickly lift your hand. The pressure
will cause the coin to stick to your palm just long enough to grab it
as you lift your hand.
Have someone find the pulse in your wrist. If you want to get really
dramatic, have two different people, one on each wrist. Tell them to
feel your pulse with one hand and to tap out it's rhythm with the
other. Tell them that you will slow and eventually stop your
heartbeat all together. As they begin tapping, they are soon out of
rhythm with one another, then they gradually get slower until there
is no pulse felt at all. You can really make a big production out of
this by acting like you're in a "trance" etc.

The secret: Hide a tennis ball under your arm, inside your shirt
before attempting this. when it's time to slow your heart rate,
simply press your arm against your body so that no one notices and
the ball will press against the artery that feeds your wrist. They
will feel no pulse!

You can really slow or speed up your heart rate with just a little

Imagine you are in a very peaceful setting. Floating on a pond or in
a pool on a tube or raft, just about to fall asleep. Once you can
really imagine this (even feel the sun on your face), Take your
pulse. It will be lower than it was before you started. To speed it
up, simply do the opposite. Imagine that your are in some terrible
situation, wolves are chasing you and about to catch you.

You are breathing hard and about to be caught. You run faster but
it's no use, they are upon you, ripping and snarling! Now check your
heart rate, It should be considerably faster than it was when you
were imagining the peaceful scene.

With just a little practice and imagination, you can get pretty
dramatic with this
To break the bottom out of a
bottle with your hands.

When you know how, you can break the bottom out of a pop or beer
bottle or even a wine bottle with your bare hands. Think about it, or
if you want to set it up so that it looks even more impressive, you
can actually drive a nail with the bottoms of some of the best known


It is possible that the bottle could shatter. Not likely, but

Please be careful.

The secret to breaking a bottle with
your bare hands is really pretty easy.

First you fill the bottle with water,
leaving about an inch of space at the
top. Then, grasping the bottle firmly (closer to the top), you hit it
sharply with the palm of the other hand and watch as the entire
bottom of the bottle bursts off!

IMPORTANT!!! Always perform this out
of doors or where no one will be
endangered by the glass bursting. It is
also a good idea to wear a glove on the
hand grasping the bottle, or to at least
use a towel or something to protect your
hands. While this trick is normally
safe, it IS possible for the entire
bottle to shatter after the bottom pops
off. Protect your hand with something.

It works best to grasp the bottle near
the base of the neck (higher than the picture shows). ALWAYS pick up
the glass that breaks and dispose of it properly.

This is a very impressive trick that
requires a little practice to get it
right the first time. You must hit the
top of the bottle sharply with the upper
palm of the hand (see illustration). BE SURE YOU HIT THE BOTTLE TOP

The bottle bottom breaks out because you are suddenly forcing and
capturing air in the bottle creating a great deal of
pressure. You actually force air into
the bottle with your hand, and then for
just a split second, create a seal.

Because of this rapid increase of air
pressure, the bottle can't contain the
forces and breaks at it's weakest point,
the bottom.

If at first you don't succeed, give it a
little break. Don't bruise your hand.
And don't give away where you hit the
bottle on your hand. When others try
this, unless they are lucky enough to
hit it just right, they still won't be
able to do it!

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