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From: ganetauk
Date: Tue Dec 31, 2002 10:53pm

Embedded Commands

The use of embedded commands marks the difference between a
consciously competent salesperson and the master salesperson. The
master has learned that people about to make an "important" decision
almost always need a firm hand to guide them along. If you have
guided them to a point where "The only way out, is through" an
embedded command will complete the job. Warning: Use only as
directed.Over-use of embedded commandsmay be intoxicating. You gently
lead with a direct order disguised as a suggestion of the next
logical step to take. "Lovingly, kind and gently,you tell them what
to do!" If you follow the model of persuasive techniques being used
and you have been doing a great deal of listening, the following
embedded commands work really well:

"Based on what you've told me, I'm going to suggest that what we
should do now is..." or,

"It seems to me that you have already made up your mind, I guess what
we should do now is..."

Notice the term "we" is also used in these closing sequences. (From
our work on togetherness.)

As in the game of Chess and with all powerful magic tricks, at least
two techniques are employed simultaneously to create the desired
effect. So it is with the real secrets of persuasion. The basic duo
is: Tone of voice and a single technique. These examples use three:
Tone of voice, togetherness and embedded commands.

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