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From: ganetauk
Date: Tue Dec 31, 2002 10:51pm

Tones of voice

As strange as this may seem to you at first, we believe that the
power to persuade at any given moment is based more on how you sound
when you are talking than what words you are actually saying. Believe
It! If you sound like a child when you're speaking, you will not win
many arguments regardless of how brilliant your rhetoric is because
children almost never win arguments about important matters with

To win an argument with an adult, you must not just sound like
another adult; you must sound like an adult in a special role that
adults sometimes play. You must learn to sound like -- A Parent. We
call this secret... "The Parental Tone" Mastering this technique is
essential for using all the other secrets effectively. The Secret
Power of the Parental ToneWe all pause at the end of our sentences;
at the end of our phrases and at natural breath points. These natural
pauses and the tonality we adopt when we pause accounts for the
overall tone-of-voice that is projected toward the listener. In
effect, the listener either hears a child-like speech pattern, a
neutral speech pattern or a parental speech pattern. Only the
parental pattern is effective for persuasion techniques. In fact, the
child-like pattern works against the speaker in a big way. Did you
ever hear a child whine and complain about something? Would anybody
be inclined to follow a suggestion that sounded like that? Of course
not. And yet, when an untrained person is put into a stressful
situation, the tendency to sound like a little child is pervasive
because when we are nervous we tend to end our sentences with our
voices up about a half tone; the way a child sounds when it's
whining. Like we were asking a question. This is the child-like tone
that is deadly to persuasiveness. Children don't convince adults
about much. Note: This knowledge has always been transferred in a
classroom setting where it can be heard and easily understood. Here
on the Internet, we must use examples that you can hear by yourself
in your own environment.

Start listening to the way people speak. Listen to the news
announcers on TV. They almost always use the parental tone of
dropping their voices about a half tone at the end of their
sentences, phrases and breath points. The tonality sends a message of
confidence, composure and competence; because it unconsciously
reminds the listener of their parent's voices when their parents were
angry with them. The tone creates the impression of an "authority
figure" an expert in a field whose purpose is to help, teach and
guide -- The parent's role... kindly, lovingly and firmly, the tone
tells them to listen and obey (for their own good). From this ground
of being, persuasion is not only possible, but likely. It is
imperative that the concept of using the Parental Tone be grooved
with as much practice as it takes because stress causes the untrained
voice in the child-like sounding direction.

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