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From: Blue Chip
Date: Tue Dec 31, 2002 2:49pm
Subject: Re: [Derren Brown] Re: Stooges, Actors and Tricks - The Exposé

Time to confuse people by making them think I'm replying to my own emails

I think the confusion with NLP is that although a couple of his gags
certainly abuse NLP <grin>, the real application of NLP is with his
presentation. NLP is what he is using to sell the gag. Someone said "is
DB trying to convince us he is a good communicator by his words "a good
communicator can affect our physiology"?" (are you allowed to nest
quotes?)... Well, yes, yes he is - and that is presuppositional logic at
its best.

My disappointment has been the fact that he required the use of a bold-face
lie to sell his act - what a bozo! Why not just use some eloquent NLP to
avoid the issue?

I am amused by your comparison to Uri Geller, I'd lloovvee to hear DBs
reply to that!!

>Posted on behalf of Rob Dobson
>Sorry, do people here actually believe that everything he does is
>mind control, and not a combination of many things? I'm surprised if
>so. It's worth remembering if you're trying to work out how he does
>his effects that its not all NLP and psychology...some of
>the 'explanations' of how he does his effects on this board seem more
>fantastic than the effects themselves.
>There is a (fairly) interesting question raised here though: if we're
>agreed that not all of Derrens effects are achieved purely through
>psychological manipulation, then does his claim that they do make him
>any better than other 'psychics' who claim psychic powers? Uri Geller
>is a perfect example of a performer who was harangued by the magical
>fraternity for claiming to be psychic when performing magic tricks;
>surely claiming to be a psychological manipulator whilst doing magic
>tricks is a very similiar claim?
>[e-mail address removed]
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2111: Re: Stooges, Actors and Tricks - The Exposékillerb_0187killerb_0187Tue 31/12/200231 KB

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