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From: killerb_0187
Date: Mon Dec 23, 2002 1:31am
Subject: Re: Jonathan Ross's show...

--- In a previous message Ria wrote:
> --- In a previous message killerb_0187 wrote:
> > This is gonna sound irrelevant, but really only implies to the
> > hardcore fans...It's just a little observation I made..
> >
> > When Jonathan thinks of the 'thing' that Derren asks him to,
> > then tells him to 'change is mind a few times, back and fourth'.
> > Jonathan starts taking the piss out of him saying that he's
> > tax payers money etc... But then when Derren starts to explain
> > himself, Jonathan riducules him even more.
> yes....
> > But when this happens, do you see the look of disgust on Derren's
> > face? You only see it for a split second, but I assure you it's
> > there.
> YES! i noticed that immediately! I dont know if I would have
> described it as disgust, more as taking a slight bit of offense...
> but it was definately a negatiove feeling there...

Yeah maybe I exatturated it a little, but he was definately annoyed.
I know that for sure! :)

> He gets very annoyed, but then quickly backs off (to look
> > professional, and I guess to 'sink down' to Jon's level, he
> says "You
> > know I could make you wet the bed for life!?"...It's funny the
> he
> > says it, very quickly, and Jonathan IMMEDIATELY backs off,
> it
> > being a joke!! HEh...
> Heh - indeed. I liked it - it was a great way to neutralise the
> situation - prattling around with a bit of humour - and i think the
> audience loved him even more for doing so - just like when he was
> talking about russian roulette and finding the most gullable
> person... heh...

Does anyone know anything more about that Russian Roulette thing? I
tried to listen closely, he says something about someone pointing a
gun to his head, and how he is risking his life?!? For what?? I
didn't really understand it, Jonathan didnt really give him a chance
to explain though did he....Stupid big mouth!!
> >
> > Also, I really really liked derrens velvet outfit....Very nice...
> You
> > know me and Derren have very similar taste when it comes to
> > and most other stuff! You'll see me 9 times out of 10 dressed in
> pure
> > black too... Since I've been a child... My taste in clothes
> > changed very much....Anyway...On to more..
> My dress sense has always been varied, but for going out and so on
> always go black. Been accused of being a goth quite often - but
> just me - there's always some black there, occassionally red
> (scarlett - just cos i look good in red - tis my colour :) and
> sometimes too - a very subdued colour..... where were we? suddenly
> moved to clothes...

LOL, you should count yourself lucky, goth aint so bad, people call
me the Excorcist in college, LOL

And then I freak them out even more by saying that I used to work for
this funeral company... heh heh, should see their faces.
> > One last thing that I'm absolutely flabergasted at....I really
> > derren isn't reading this, but if you are....then please TAKE NO
> > another observation...
> >
> > He looks like he's aged quite a fair amount. I don't know whether
> > this is down to work or something, but if you watched his face
> > closely in the Jon Ross interview, you'll see very slight
> on
> > his forehead etc... and when he smiles. It's amazing if after
> > watching the interview, you then watch MC1, you'll see a MASSIVE
> > difference, and it's only been a few years. What's up with that??
> He has definately lost a lot of his hair. That could be anything -
> premature ageing due to genetics, or perhaps stress. Poor lad. I
> he isnt paranoid about it - things like that can ruin a guy's life
> (apparently)

LOL, really?? I dont think so...
> One other thing Id like to add - when derren is guessing the
> placename he says an "O" instead of an "R" granted an "O" is in
> anyway, but I couldnt help but laugh - we're talking about
> Johnathan "WOSS" here aren't we? If derren was using lip/throat
> reading cues, is it possible that the slight error was due to
> Johnathans highly noticeable speech? Perhaps.... just perhaps...

He does it really fast thats all I can say. I've tried it with
numbers, and it's quite fun, but I can noway do it the way Derren
does, with just about anything!!
> Gilraen

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