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From: Blue Chip
Date: Wed Dec 18, 2002 1:00am
Subject: Re: Chris Ryan

Interesting. I'm also sure that there is a goemetrical problem going on as
well - I mean, how did DB know that the path between the three podia <sic>
was completely safe - I would be thoroughly disappointed if there was any
camera/stooge trickery. I mean, any <expletive deleted> could do all of
that with stooges and camera/audio trickery.

>I've been reading through some earlier posts, and people were wondering
>how Derren knew that the safety mat was under Podia Number Three in the
>Chris Ryan segment.
>Apologies if this has been addressed, but I have only got through the
>first 300 or so posts so far.
>I think that it was suggested to him on his arrival to the
>warehouse/bunker. The mat is seemingly randomly placed (askew) in front of
>that exact Podia, and Derren streses the number three "Here you see the
>three podia ... you place the mat under one of these three podia" - He
>takes care to postion Chris to the left as he looks at the podia, I assume
>in order to number them subconsciously cos that's the way we Westerners read.
>Any other theories
>(PS: It's also odd that some sentences of dialogue have clearly been
>re-recorded - whether or not this was because of sound problems, I dunno,
>but if anyone does ...?)
>[e-mail address removed]>

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