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From: Blue Chip
Date: Sat Dec 7, 2002 6:06pm
Subject: Re: Re: Books to buy? warning!!

Very sorry, I did NOT intend to offend you.

From your introduction, "a FREEEEEEEEE pdf NLP course", I inferred that I
would find a "course" at the end of that link; when I got there I was
wholly disappointed. This _genuinely_ led me to my conclusion that you may
not have read the link - simply seen it and passed it on (I've made that
mistake before); or that you stood to gain from any further funds that it
drew (maybe work for/wrote/for a friend/etc). Neither of which I judge to
be 'wrong', but the end result affected me in a negative way, hence my
negative response.

Please don't judge me too harshly for my honesty. I have seen many people
write some very harsh things about certain books on this forum. I hope my
review of this particular link was, at least, objective (Ie. more factual,
than opinionated.)

I also made the assumption that the members here had at least been to where there is an excellent "crash course in NLP."
which is a superset of the link you submitted. Again decrying the link,
not yourself.

THIS, HERE, is the place where these things need to collate, we have a
files area, maybe we could use some of it for this purpose? After all if
the information is free, we can surely create a public mirror ("mirror" is
the computing term for "copy of") without offending. I have already
offered to help build an "FAQ" or similar. Terry, we should be working
together not against each other?

Don't stop posting because ONE of your FIVE suggestions received negative
feedback. We're all entitled to share our opinions, no?

I meant to set light to the message, NOT the messanger - hence my personal
compliment at the end of the email which was far more extensive than my
criticism of the link.

>How could someone still be interested in sharing information in this day
>and age?....surely we are all selling stuff right?

I would love to agree with you for the sake of peace, but as my sister once
said to me "You only patronise idiots." ('you' being the generic, not the
specific 'you')

Maybe you would like to pop onto SourceForge sometime, where millions of
pounds worth of software is given away every day. Gone are the days of
"pirate software", damn near everything I run now is "freeware". I have
just got into video capture [wonder why] and ALL the best tools are
free. I have tried some of the commercial stuff and it doesn't even hold a
light to the free stuff that's available (such as TMpgEnc or VirtualDub.)

We require a certain amount of money to exist in a captialist society, and
yes, a lot of us probably do sell things to try and survive. Personally
the gods of money smile on me, and when I can afford a new
<Hoover/TV/sofa/whatever> the old one is given to the local homeless group,
who service this kind of stuff and give it to people with nothing
(comparatively speaking.)

The world is not so full of cremetists. Gen-X is the altruistic
society. And, as things stand at the moment, they run the internet.

Take it easy dude,

Billy Connolly

>Oh well..A "thank you but.." would have been polite...I am sure
>someone found the link i sent useful. The PDF file on the NLP course
>IS good. It holds information that an interested person will find
>If one was to gather all these chunks of information in such PDF's
>file (even if its JUST "the map is not the territory") one would find
>that they build up a free resource of information. There is no need
>to pay for costly books, if one looks. ( I posted the link to help
>those people who are looking).
>If any others here did not think the link was useful let me know
>please. I will then use this feedback before sending other posts. I
>thank you. I wouldn't want to clog up these posts with links to site
>i might be "working for" etc. How could someone still be interested
>in sharing information in this day and age?....surely we are all
>selling stuff right?
>sdrageR yrret
>the link was
>--- In a previous message Blue Chip wrote:
> >
> > >Go here...scroll down...and find a FREEEEEEEEE pdf NLP course (and
> > >more).....
> > >
> > >
> >
> > "A free pdf nlp course"? Hmm, well it would be far too easy to
>debate the
> > grammar, so either (a) you did not realise that the course consists
>of "The
> > map is not the territory"... now send us your money. Or (b) you
>work for them?
> >
> > Actually, I correct myself, it actually reads:
> > 'send us your money'
> > 'Some bloke invented it'
> > 'The map is not the territory...'
> > 'now send us your money'
> >
> > However, I now have 35K of pdf in my Recycle Bin, so it wasn't an
> > bad experience.
> >
> > >naeD yrreT sdrageR :o)
> > >
> >
> > Ahh yes, I wondered if Gordo The Fat was going to be the only guy
>to do
> > this. Now this is why I came here to have people mess with my mind
> > :) There should be more of this happening!
> >
> > I think I'll have to see how many humerous things I can find that
>work with
> > the initials "BC" (me, BlueChip). I'll see if I can drop a
>different one
> > at the end of every post I make, let me know if I manage to come up
> > something funny ;)
> >
> >
> > Gronda Gronda,
> > Brer Cougar
> >
> > [Hey, not bad for a first effort. I still maintain that one should
> > own an animal which you cannot call "brer" - EG. Brer Rottweiller
>or Brer
> > Tarantula. Beatrix Potter would turn in his grave (were he not
>being eaten
> > by Brer Worm)]

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