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From: ozric
Date: Mon Nov 18, 2002 12:20am
Subject: Re: [Derren Brown] Re: Psychology of a psychic

psychology of the psychic .

its mostly a book for sceptics ,dealing with remote
veiwing and uri geller prominently .
in the james randi mould . researched over 20 odd
years ( this is a revision but has all the nessescary
in the first edition there was a section on Kreskin as
well but he owned up to trickery so the took him out
( that would have been interesting to have him telling
them )

its pretty long 400 pages , i havent read the geller
part yet . but the arguments against SRV are very
reasonable .

( if you want to remore view then do not download
anything from scientific remote viewing , i dowloaded
the 18 hour course from then and it is the singularly
dullest thing i have ever heard . imagine stephen
hawking slipping into a coma only more dull a voice ,
it could make you fall asleep in 15 seconds , but not
with hypnosis )

the book deal with more specific cases like geller
than mediums and the like mehtods still ill let you
know how it ends .but i am reading more than one book
at the moment so itll be a few weeks

OZRIC tenatcles


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