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From: killerb_0187
Date: Thu Nov 14, 2002 9:45pm
Subject: Re: NOGUYTEST predictions


That's not very nice :D

--- In a previous message nxnzerx wrote:
> Just a pointer - it would be easier for the vast majority of the
> members of this group if you didn't type the way you speak. No
> offence is intended, but not all of us are fluent in "jive"
> --- In a previous message singhstealth wrote:
> > oye kiddha, mentalist represntin' aint noguytest dez brown, safe
> > geez. I can almost understand most of his effects. Its only those
> > ones were he predicts wot the other is trying to say-e.g. when he
> was
> > walking that geeezer round the market to his wifes photo and he
> > successfully predicted his relatives name "Terry" and were he
> > from "Linconshire". For me, the most striking bit wasnt the the
> > muscle read walk but these predictions he made. Also wen he
> correctly
> > predicted that ladies favorite chat up line in mind control
> He
> > has done this before loads of times yet ive not seen one
> explanation
> > anywhere. One theory suggests he uses lip and throat clues-might
> be,
> > except the guy in the market place had his mouth closed all the
> time
> > and i think (not sure) had his jacket zipped right up. It could
> > that he already met the geezer-hypnotized him and got the info
> > that...doubt it though. I hope and dont think he uses stooges. I
> > remember in the early episodes once, he went to a gay club and
> > managed to name loads of info-and thinking about it now, throat
> > lip cues could well have been the way he got it-if u got the
> > watch it again-he tries to immitate the others facial expression
> and
> > from there judged wot would be the most obvious first letter to
> > from this facial position. I tried this and it appears that wen
> > person is thinking of a word with a vowel at the begining they
> > to keep there mouth open as the go over it in there mind-they do
> this
> > also wiv a 'w' and especially 'h'. On the opposite scale if they
> are
> > thinking of a 'm' or 'p' word for example-they may tend to tense
> > there lips. i aint very good at it though.
> > Try it yourselves-if anyone got a better explanation then shout
> a
> > holla! (please help in other words)
> >
> > respect, im out...

RepliesAuthorYahoo! IDDateSize
1685: Re: NOGUYTEST predictionsgraeme_pcgraeme_pcThu 14/11/20025 KB

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