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From: ganetauk
Date: Fri Nov 8, 2002 2:12am
Subject: Practical post...a useful post..

If one likes it or not.....manipulation is there and it works, if
used by someone who is skilled in the techniques. The following are
examples of such techniques. As always I try and maintain I post that
is useful and has some practical information in it...these are tools,
how you use them or not is up to you. Dont wanna be
manipulated?...then learn the tools and notice them being used on you

Be around the person as much as you can because familiarity breeds
fondness, not contempt!

When you speak with them try to do it when they are in a good mood to
enact the law of association. Talk about common interests or
experiences that you share and try to do more of the listening and
less of the talking.

To enact the law of reciprocal affection, if you respect or admire
them for something make sure that they know this.

Let them do a simple favour for you, but make sure that it's not out
of a sense of obligation. This creates an unconscious motivation to
like you more.

Build a psychological bridge and establish rapport by matching the
person's gestures, rate of speech and vocal patterns.

We are drawn to confident people. Show your confidence by being able
to laugh at yourself and not taking yourself too seriously.

Make them feel good about themself. Be someone who is complimentary
and sincerely kind and warm.

Have a positive mental attitude. We are drawn to people who are
excited, passionate, and happy about life and being alive.

Engage in an activity with the person where emotional aroucal is high
The perception of youth increases attraction. Your posture and
walking style influence greatly how youthful you appear.

Passionate feelings for another can easily develop by simply starting
into someone's eyes. Look the person directly in the eyes when
speaking and listening.

People find others more attractive at those times when we feel less
confident about ourselves. Approaching someone when they're feeling
self-conscious will make you appear more attractive.

Once they already like you, deepen the attraction by letting them
know that you are attracted to them.

Smile! Smiling accompliches four powerful things: It conveys
confidence, happiness, and enthusiasm, and most important, it shows

Engage the primacy effect and make the initial moment (and the first
five minutes or so) the very best and the rest of your conversation
will be filtered through it, thereby creating a highly favoourable

The psychological phenomenon of accessibility and priming can
dramatically influence how we are intially perceived. Lay the
unconscious groundwork prior to your meeting.

People want what they can't have and they want more of what they have
to work for. If you are easy to come, then you may be easy to go.
If you have an unbalanced life you will have a distorted view of the
relationship. Balance gives you perspective, and perspective allows
you to make better decisions in the relationship.

When all doubt is removed, the person will take you for granted.
Introduce an element of uncertainty to instantly reignite the passion.
A person like you based, in part, on how you make them feel about
themself. MAke them feel good and they will feel good about you.

Price and availability are the most dominant psychological factors
that determine the value of just about anything or any person.

Manipulation these two factors will dramatically increase or decrease
how valuable and worthy we think someone or something is.

Don't overlook the powerful physiological influence of blood sugar
levels. Avoid engaging the fight-or-flight response by avoiding
sugars and refined carbohydrates.

Smile! Research shows that the very act of smiling actually makes you
feel more relaxed and calm.

Breathe deeply. When we're nervous we tend to hold our breath. Deep
breathing instantly relaxes the central nervous system and literally
calms your nerves.

For long-term stress reduction practice yoga. The central nervous
system is made up of the brain and spinal cord. It is impossible to
feel completely relaxed mentally unless your body is at ease.

To use conundrum, simply introduce a pece of evidence and see how
they handle it. Just make sure that they would have direct knowledge
of what you're talking about if in fact thier story is true. Make
sure that this ''evidence'' is something that's plaucsible but not
true, then sit back and see whether they are fast with the correct
response. If one hesitates, changes the subject, and/or gives the
wrong answer to your question, then you're not getting the truth.
Look and listen objectively-not only to the words but alos to the
message. These abusive maneuvers interfere with your ability to
digest the facts. When these emotions creep into your thinking,
temporarily suspend your feelings and look at the messenger as well
as the message. If you hear anything that sounds like these
manipulators, stop and reevaluate the situation. Don't act quickly
and emotionally. Wait and objectively gather the facts so you don't
become a hand puppet for the malevolent.

Uncover a bluff instantly by noticing how the person tries to appear.
A person who is bluffing will always overcompencate to create the
illusion that he is 100% behind his conviictions.

Give them the instant psychological test. Ask a question that does
not accuse the person of anything but rather alludes to it. Then
simply gauge his response and you'll learn right away if they are
hiding anything.

Just get one to commit to liking the idea, person, or object. Then
simply ask her how she thinks that it can be improved upon.

Narrow a person's options to avoid extensive deliberation. Fewer
choices mean that they will make a decision faster and they are less
likely to dwell on it afterward.

Give a deadline for taking action. A deadline restricts freedom and
increases our desire to gain what is rare and becoming scarcer. This
greatly motivates us to move forward and to take immediate action.
Engage the law of consistency by first having an individual commit to
a smaller request. When we take a small step in one direction we are
driven to maintain a sense of consistency by agreeing to larger

Use your words and your actions to engage the law of expectation
Maximize the law of inertia by reducing what you want a person to do
to simple, easy-to-follow steps to get them to begin moving in the
right direction.

Offer any small additional benefit for taking action now. This will
significantly increase your chances of gaining compliance.
Keep in mind that the number-one psychological rule that determines
if someone will do something for you or even with you is that they
must, to some extent, like you and, preferably, trust you.
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