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From: killerb_0187
Date: Mon Nov 4, 2002 10:16am
Subject: Re: E4 Saturday- New Series?

--- In a previous message Philip Collins wrote:
> > > > The head nodding thing is excessive. Is it really done on
> > >
> > > I think it is unconcious but does have a purpose. I think he is
> > > seeking confirmation or otherwise from the subjects expression.
> I'm sure Derren's nodding is not on purpose, it is true that you
can elicit
> a yes from someone by using a technique like this, see the one-inch
> where he say's "you feel this, yes?" and the fellow responds in the
> affirmative. But Derren's nervous nod is a tic without doubt and a
> bad one. Psychologists say Tics are common in people with an
> personality.....

Yes, but he admits that he is obsessive. Both on the radio, and if
you watch the chess thing again!!
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