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From: ganetauk
Date: Sun Oct 20, 2002 9:22pm
Subject: MODELLING DB - The pattern of the handshake trance induction...


Derren Brown's performances are made up of various combined skills.
Linguistic skills, behavioural and mental skills. By breaking down
his complex skills into smaller chunks, we can begin to reproduce
some of the effects he produces.

A simple rule for finding a pattern - If it happens once, it might be
just a one off. If it happens twice, it might be a coincidence. If it
happens three times, it is probably a pattern.

The pattern of the handshake trance induction...

The handshake trance induction is probably the best-known example of
a "pattern interruption." We have any number of moderately complex
behaviors for which the bulk of the processing drops into
unconsciousness as a single unit of behavior. In the case of the
handshake, if someone offers their hand, your own hand comes
up "automatically" (unconsciously), and you gauge the distance to the
other person's hand, meet their hand, gauge the correct amount of
pressure, duration, etc., then let go and drop your hand back to your
side, all as one unified motion that requires little or no conscious
thought. The handshake induction interrupts that pattern... In short,
you hold out your hand to someone to elicit the behavior from them,
but when their hand comes up, you don't meet it, but gently take hold
of it with your other hand. At that point, the behavior pattern is
interrupted and you can begin to lead into an induction. Arm
levitation is easily accomplished at that stage, or you can suggest
to the person to look at their hand, note the changing focus of their
eyes, or go in any number of directions.

Regards Terry...

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