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From: Philip Collins
Date: Sat Oct 12, 2002 2:57am
Subject: Re: [Derren Brown] Re: books books books!

I know something similar has already been said but think before you spend
your hard earned cash on these books. They are written for
performers/entertainers. There are no books that will tell you derrens
methods for accomplishing his TRICKS because he hasn't published them yet.
But rest assured they are tricks, even many of the worlds magicians have
been taken in by Derrens presentation because it's soo good but like
somebody said on here thats persuasion techniques nothing else. There are
many publications relating to the science of persuasion which is a really
interesting subject and I believe will be more interesting to the majority
on this board than will be books about magic and mentalism.

NLP is a tool for therapy. It is a kind of advanced form of hypnotherapy
because it has learnt too utilise what is considered by many to be hypnosis
but in a new and more believeable context for those who have been
contaminated by the media and svengali type hypnosis shows protraying
hypnosis too be something spooky and weird. It has some benefits for anyone
that wants too learn better how too communicate and to understand HOW people
are thinking but not what they are thinking.

Think about it in this context Derren is an entertainer a performer and a
very good one, we know this because he's been on the telly in an
entertainment capacity and does stage shows etc. How/why would an
entertainer figure out to how control peoples minds into paying out on dud
gambling slips, and if an entertainer did really figure out how too control
peoples mind like that surely they would cease being an entertainer and rely
on the easier living of mind controling croupiers etc. Even if that were not
the case the last thing you would do, if you had the ablilty to manipluate
bookies like that, would be to do it on telly because that means that no
bookie will fall for it again.
Also that stunt would land Derren in trouble with the police if it were for
real because no-one can deny that it is 'attempting to obtain funds by
deception' a criminal charge no less. SO how did he do it... well how would
you do it?

I heard once about a trick, might have been said on this board. A guy was
sat on a train with his buddies and when the conductor came along to ask for
the tickets the guy concealed in behind his hand winked at the conductor
and waved his hand 'jedi style' in front of the conductor. Only the
conductor saw the ticket as the guy said " you do not need to see my ticket"
and the conductor immeduiately cottoned on to the joke and replied in a
brainwashed kinda way "I do not need to see your ticket" A brilliant example
of mind control.

Comments, criticism's, welcome


>From: killerb_0187
>Subject: [Derren Brown] Re: books books books!
>Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 16:45:53 -0000
>Cool, thanks, I really like your site btw (as said in the e-mail I
>sent), oh yeah, thanks for replying, I really appreciate the help.
>Anyway, yeah, come on you professionals, I need some guidance, I want
>to know what to get. I wish I could afford it all, but even if I
>could, I wouldn't be able to finish it before I'm 80!! >;)
>Again, I'm only after Derren stuff, nothing else, I don't really want
>to sway onto the magic scene.
>--- In a previous message iamonthe internet wrote:
> > Hi Guys!
> > I have been looking at the book list killerb_0187 sent in – and
> > any good NLPers / professionals (or non-professionals as well)
> > this group who could give a few pointers on which books are
> > recommended, would be good. Eventually, I will publish all the best
> > books on my site. (
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Simon

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1299: Re: books books books!ozricklisherSat 12/10/20023 KB

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