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Message ID: 01275[ Previous ]    [ Next ]    [ Up Thread ]

From: Lauren Sadler
Date: Wed Oct 9, 2002 6:17am
Subject: Re: [Derren Brown] wot the hell has happened ro this group?

I've got ghost stories!!! Two of them. Can't tell them now though cos I'm about
to go to Birmingham to go to Liverpool. (yesterday was Sheffield) What a
stress! AND it's parent's evening tonight which I have to rush back from
Liverpool to go to! ARG! Anywayz I'l be back tomorrow.
Lauren :-)
ozric wrote: i for one am clapping here

that needed to be said

well done

i think we should all start a new disscussion

how about its halloween soon has anyone got any ghost
stories ( that happened to them )


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1276: Re: wot the hell has happened ro this group?mjm710mjm710Wed 09/10/20022 KB
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