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From: ganetauk
Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 10:55pm

I thought those of you how are interested in NLP might find the
following interesting...It is from a John Grinder interview...
Modeling is the heart of NLP. Let's focus on the discovery of
Take the methodology, go out to model and make a difference!

Move into area's that NLP has not coded before. Model these areas
with the tools that NLP explicated.

What I see often nowadays is that people are repeating old patterns
over and over again or offering trivial variations of old patterns
which serve to achieve the same objectives. And most disturbingly,
these variations tend to be more complex than the original patterns,
thereby violating the first principle of modeling. This provokes some

Ø Where are the new models?

Ø Do people realize that there are no right models? There is no right
model, no correct number of steps -> it doesn't matter!

Make your own Code! Throw away the old models or at least find new
ways to describe the old patterns, so that they become more
transportable, easier to learn. That is one of the goals of the new
code of NLP/ Getting to achieve the same goals, but far simpler than
before. Find out what's common in the old code – What variables lie
behind the patterns? Which variables do you find all the time? Ask
yourself the question: How else can I do it?

Using patterns is like learning to ride a bicycle with training
wheels. Once you know how to ride a bicycle, you take the training
wheels off, because at that point they become an obstacle to using
the bicycle to its full potential. Similarly, during training, I
recommend that people stick to the pattern presented until they have
mastered it. Once they have the pattern integrated at the unconscious
level, they have the freedom to experiment with it and to be creative
to find other ways.
Adapt NLP
It would be very useful to modify NLP for specific cultural
requirements. NLP was created in California in the `70's by two
males. It carries a very American framework, using American cultural
filters. It requires adaptation, mapping it to other cultures.

NLP carries the risk that comes with any nominalization of an actual
experience; that is, writing down a fixed interpretation of a certain
experience at a certain moment. Once you write something down, you
risk getting fundamentalists, who stick to the form and Liberals who
will re-interprete the form, attempting to update it to give it a
current relevance. Oral communication has the advantage that the form
will evolve with the context.

NLP is about systematically asking the questions "How specifically?"
about any interesting experience, or How do you know that you know.

Corrupt the world! (in the same sense as Socrates corrupted the youth
of Athens)
Let's create momentum by spreading the technology of choice! two ways
to do this are:

Ø get NLP embedded in the educational system: install the patterns in
a group of teachers so that they teach it to the next generation
through business: create winning companies using NLP technology. Help
companies to become world class companies, to become (or stay) better
than the competition thereby forcing the competition to adopt the

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