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From: comedysnail
Date: Mon Sep 2, 2002 2:56pm
Subject: Re: Magic and carpets....

> > Did you really used to be a DJ?! Oh my good Lord if you did! I
> > only having a laugh because I seem to have a thing for certain
> > lol! That's so freaky if you did used to be a DJ! *spooky music*
> >

Yep, I did. It was only a hobby, I miss it now and then, but
> computers are far more interesting...

Would you look at that...I must be psychic, quick, get Derren round
here now! I'm like Derren in many ways if truth be said. I mean,
we're both mentalists aren't we. My parents call me a mentalist, the
doctor called me a mentalist and even the people at the home called
me a mentalist when I was on day release. The similarities are
endless. I admit I shouldn't really have this goatee though, maybe I
should shave. Oh, and I don't have a parrot, will the sparrow in the
garden do?

Good Lord, I am actually mad and you lot are stuck with it!
Mwahahahaha! (That was evil laughter by the way!)

Hope you are all well and that I haven't scared you too much!

Sarah xxxx ;)

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