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From: killerb_0187
Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 8:49pm
Subject: Re: [Derren Brown] (unknown) (skip to the P.S. if u dont want my life story)

--- In a previous message lauren_macsporren
> Hey the dream wasn't MY fault! LOL! I would certainly not want
> to see me on the toilet! LOL! And he wasn't being very nice to me
> either :-( Hmm, memories of the time where he got me beaten up for
> his own enjoyment! That was a dream too obviously. Maybe I just
> to meet him to get rid of those negative feelings. Yeah any old
> excuse! I think it's his charm too, and the suit he wears, and OH
> VOICE! *swoon*
> I don't know why the website works for Derren's email man. I
> it was just my computer being horrible to me but now you've
> it I'm thinking maybe not. He didn't get angry or anything, I just
> got the distinct feeling I was getting on his nerves hehe! I tend
> get that with lots of people actually..hmm.... LOL!
> My personal statement hasn't materialised properly yet. Boo hiss.
> It's too difficult to write damn it! Good luck with uni, you'll be
> fine! I seriously can't wait til uni!! I hate 6th form soooooo
> I always start the year really looking forward to it with quite a
> positive attitute, then I end up spiralling into depression. Not
> nice. I've already got so much work to do and the year hasn't even
> started, and then there's all the extra things like applying to
> (before mid-october arg!) and the stupid school is pushing us to do
> pointless University Award whch we won't even get til after we've
> applied! *anyway* see it's happening already. I'm stressed and
> and college hasn't even started yet!
> Oh dear, it looks like I've just written an assay! If only I was
> good at writing essays in English! Arg!
> Stressed Lauren signing off.
> P.S. Does anyone else get certain physical reactions to being
> annoyed? Cos when I'm really impatient or annoyed or irritable, I
> an itchy nose! LOL!
> P.P.S. I've noticed something recently. When I'm talking to someone
> and we're recalling memories or things that we watched on tv or
> something it's great, and then if the other person says something
> like "shall we sit down" (assuming we're standing up LOL) I don't
> like it and it makes me uncomfortable because it's in the present
> the present = reality. Does anyone else get that? I have the
> feeling I'm the only one.
> Oh dear.
Uhh, yeah I would get that you are the only one...

Ummmm.........Thanks for sharing that! :P

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