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From: chrispeck18
Date: Wed Mar 6, 2002 2:42pm
Subject: Stage Hypnosis Part1

I'm sorry that I caused such anger amongst the
members. Having gone through my last post, I did come
across very patronising, I apologise for that.
think the main problem is that I said "Stage hypnosis
(which there is no such thing)", this was badly phrased,
what I meant was that the name stage hypnosis is
really the wrong name for what for the majority of times
happens during a performance.
You see when people go
to a stage hypnotist like Paul McKenna, they are
expecting certain things:
1 that they will be
2 they will be ask to do things that usually they
wouldn't do, and which tend to be silly, and do them.
that the hypnotist will say and do certain things e.g.
on the command "sleep" the subjects will become
hypnotised and fall into a deep trance.

Didn't one of
you day your studying stage hypnotism, so you should
know about the next stage.
When the audience arrive
the hypnotist enters and asks for volunteers, this is
crucial. The volunteers tend to be almost 100% made up of
two of three personality types, either genital or
anal. I'll just give you a quick run down of the three
personality types:

1Verbal: These people had their
main personality traits appear when they were learning
to talk they tend to be, artistic and want to please
others, they are also shy. These types make excellent
2Anal: These people had their main personality traits
appear when they where in potty training, they tend to
be, very driven and like to have power over others.
These types make excellent Business
3Genital: These people had their main personality traits
appear during early adolescences and tend to be very
confident and they want to be the centre of attention.
These types make excellent actors.

The hypnotist
then goes along the line of volunteers and says he
will now see who can be hypnotised. He is in fact
testing them for their personality types. Anal types have
gone up to the stage to prove him wrong and show that
they are to good to be hypnotised by him so he will
say "your mind is to great for me, I can't hypnotist
you, take a seat" and they subject returns to his seat
in the audience happy in his victory against the
hypnotist. The genital types have gone up to be the star of
the show and will do everything the hypnotist asks
these are the ones he picks for he show. Verbal types
are usually to shy to go up to the stage and so I
will discount them.

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