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From: highrollerentertainmentcasting
Date: Mon Jan 21, 2002 10:36am
Subject: Re: dictionary

Is photoreading really a trick? If you watch
closely, Derren does not look at the librarian when he is
recalling, and his eyes are up indicating visual

Plus, how did Derren know there was a full stop
or where the line ends? He couldn't get that from
simply lip reading, although I am prepared to entertain
the possibility that there is a certain giveaway eye
movement when we start a new line, much like the way a
typewriter moves back and forth.

If I were being
ultra-skeptical, I might even suggest that Derren used a 'force'
on the guy, especially with the dictionary. Think
about are most likely to crack the dictionary
open somewhere in the middle for some unknown
psychological reason (and it makes it more comfortable to hold
too) which would mean that Derren would realistically
only have to memorise I through to P or possibly only
J through to O.
Just open up a dictionary at
home somewhere in the middle and see where you end

With the other book, I guess it is very much the
same thing...simply memorise the middle section.
Although was this a 'force' as well? Did anyone notice
that the second book was very colourful, much unlike
the majority of dark leather-bound tomes which make
up the British Library? I also wonder whether or not
Derren could in some way have subliminally guided him to
make that choice, much like he did with the ad men and
the chess player?

For example, you can pretty
much tell which urinal a guy is going to use in a
public toilet by the position of the other males in
there...i.e. he would rather walk to the other end of the room
than stand next to someone, and this applies to many
other situations as well, such as seats on a bus and so
forth. If someone (or indeed something) was in a
particular aisle of the library, I would wager the guy would
have sought out an empty one, or if there was some
sort of minor obstruction, such as a chair partially
protruding from a table, he would choose the path of least
resistance, and go around the other side of the table, or go
through an open door rather than open a closed door (an
age old retail technique!).

However, if this
was truly the case, I believe Derren would have done
a lot more crowing about it and show how he did it
a la the ad guys.

I genuinely hope
photoreading isn't a scam...I kept seeing ads for it in Viz
and thought it was a scam, but when I saw Derren do
it I thought that there might be something to
it....can anyone tell me unequivocally that it is or isn't
a con? And if it isn't, could you please recommend
some books on the subject?



RepliesAuthorYahoo! IDDateSize
212: Re: dictionarydaniel_d852002daniel_d852002Mon 21/01/20021 KB
221: Re: dictionary not so strange....ganetaukganetaukWed 23/01/20021 KB

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