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From: xmindcontrolx
Date: Tue Jan 8, 2002 2:24 pm
Subject: Re: Hypnosis ? Explanation

Self Hypnosis using tapes is mainly for things
like relaxation which is purely what hypnosis is, very
deep relaxation.

Each night before you go to
sleep, the last ten seconds before you fall asleep is
deep hypsosis, tapes can help you prolong this
hypnosis for hours at a time, I use similar methods to
relax, half hour of hypnosis to me feels like 8 hours

If you have basic problems then NLP can
help, if you have more serious problems then I would
recommend a Practising Hypnotist, unfortunatly Hypnotists
done't have to be licensed unless they are doing stage
hypnosis for comendy, so it means any high street
hypnotist could quite have easily got his qualifactions by
mail order from a school that exists only in a Post
Office Box, most of the qualifications are not worth the
paper they are printed on, costs hundreds of pounds and
all the methods they teach can probably be found in a
good book for as little as £10, there are hundreds of
schools teaching Hypnosis but I would recommend only 3
and only 1 if you intend practising to help people
and want to do it the right way.

people is easy!! its what you do when the person is
hypnotised that is important, I have known some tragic cases
because Hypnotists did not know what they were doing and
have made problems worse or even replaced problems
with others by accident or lack of

One example is a girl went to a hynotist to stop
smoking, the hypnotist did indeed stop her from smoking,
what he did not do was find out why she smoked, this
young lady still needed to show people she was stressed
about something else, she then replaced the smoking
with hair pulling which left her with patches of hair
missing, the hypnotist stopped her from smoking but he
never found out the reasons why she started, to cure
someone, you need to find the cause of the problem, it is
the only way, then the problem can be tackled and
dealt with, this way no other side affects can happen
or the problem will not be replaced with another

Stage hypnosis is different the people who get up on
stage initially know what is expected of them, they are
then given basic suggestability tests and the
hypnotist chooses the best subjects, when hypnotised you
can not do anything you really do not want to do 99%
of the time, there are other methods to confuse
someone and make them do things against there will, but I
would be shocked if I saw these methods used on stage,
so much so I would make it a Police matter if people
were being used against their will. The people you see
on stage such as at a Paul McKenna show are usually
extroverts anyway.

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