PhD in Children's Literature, University of Cambridge:
Finding the 'human' in the 'posthuman': The representation of the technologically enhanced posthuman in Young Adult fiction
October 2011 to January 2018'The Case for a Posthuman Trialism in Young Adult Fiction' (2016)
in Critical Perspectives on Artificial Humans in Children's Literature, edited by Sabine Planka.Review of Children's Games in the New Media Age: Childlore, Media and the Playground (ed. Andrew Burn and Chris Richards)(2015)
for International Research Society for Children's Literature'Supermen, Cyborgs, Avatars and Geeks: Technology and the Human in Contemporary Young Adult Fiction' (2014)
in Modern Children's Literature: An Introduction (second edition), edited by Catherine Butler and Kimberley Reynolds.MEd in Children's Literature, University of Cambridge
October 2009 to August 2011PGCE in Secondary English, The University of Nottingham
September 2006 to July 2007BA (Hons) in Combined Humanities (First Class), University of Birmingham
October 2000 to August (
My profile including essays and papers from my work on Children's Literature