- Gibbons, Orlando (b Oxford, 1583 - d Canterbury, 5 June, 1625)
- Gibbons came from a musical family and was a chorister (1596-8), and later student (1599-1603) at King's College, Cambridge. He joined the Chapel Royal in c1603 and was one of its organists by 1615, and a senior organist in 1625. In 1619 he became a virginal player at court, and in 1623 he was appointed the organist of Westminster Abbey. He took the Mus.B. at Cambridge in 1606, and the D.Mus. at Oxford in 1622.
Gibbons is one of the most important composers of sacred music in the early seventeenth century: he wrote several Anglican services, and over 30 anthems, some imposing and dramatic (such as O clap you hands), and others more colourful and expressive (such as This is the record of John). His instrumental music is also important as it includes over 30 elaborate viol fantasias and over 40 masterly keyboard pieces. His fourteen madrigals, from 1612, are generally serious in tone (such as The silver swanne).