Originally written to accompany the Lichfield Cathedral Music Lists, this is a list of biographies of cathedral music composers. Neither the list of composers nor the biographies themselves will be updated in future, but they are retained here for reference.
- A
- Alcock, John
- Allegri, Gregorio
- Andrews, Herbert
- Archer, Malcom
- Ashfield, Robert
- Attwood, Thomas
- Ayleward, Richard
- B
- Bainton, Edgar (Leslie)
- Bairstow, Sir Edward C(uthbert)
- Batten, Adrian
- Biebl, Franz Xaver
- Binchois, Gilles de Bins dit
- Blair, Hugh
- Blow, John
- Boyle, Malcolm C
- Brewer, Sir (Alfred) Herbert
- Britten, (Edward) Benjamin
- Bruckner, (Joseph) Anton
- Bullock, Ernest
- Byrd, William
- C
- Clucas, Humphrey
- Crotch, William
- D
- Darke, Harold (Edwin)
- Dyson, Sir George
- E
- East, Michael
- F
- Farrant, Richard
- G
- Gawthrop, Daniel E
- Gibbons, Orlando
- Goldschmidt, Otto (Moritz David)
- Goss, John
- Gray, Alan
- H
- Hadley, Patrick Arthur Sheldon
- Handl [Gallus], Jacob [Jacobus]
- Harris, Sir William Henry
- Harvey, Jonathan Dean
- Harwood, Basil
- Hassler, Hans Leo
- Holmes, John
- Howells, Herbert Norman
- Humfrey, Pelham
- I
- Ireland, John (Nicholson)
- Ives, Charles (Edward)
- J
- Jackson, Francis Alan
- L
- Lassus [Lasso], Orlande [Roland] de [Orlando di]
- Leighton, Kenneth
- Lloyd, Richard
- Loosemore, Henry
- M
- McKie, Sir William
- Moeran, E(rnest) J(ohn)
- Moore, Philip
- Morley, Thomas
- Mudd, Thomas
- Murrill, Herbert (Henry John)
- N
- Naylor, Edward Woodall
- Nicholson, Sir Sydney (Hugo)
- Noble, (Thomas) Tertius
- O
- Ord, Bernhard (known as Boris)
- P
- Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da
- Parry, Sir (Charles) Hubert (Hastings)
- Parsons, Robert
- Philips, Peter
- Poulenc, Francis (Jean Marcel)
- Purcell, Daniel
- Purcell, Henry
- R
- Reading, John
- Rheinberger, Joseph (Gabriel)
- Rose, Bernard (William George)
- Rutter, John
- S
- Shephard, Richard
- Sheppard, John
- Spicer, Paul
- Stainer, Sir John
- Stanford, Sir Charles Villiers
- Sumsion, Herbert (Whitton)
- T
- Tallis, Thomas
- Tomkins, Thomas
- V
- Vann, Stanley
- Vaughan Williams, Ralph
- Victoria, Tomas Luis de
- W
- Walker, Ernest
- Walmisley, Thomas
- Walton, Sir William (Turner)
- Warlock [Heseltine], Peter [Philip (Arnold)]
- Watson, Sydney
- Weelkes, Thomas
- Whitlock, Percy
- Willcocks, Sir David (Valentine)
- Wise, Michael
- Wood, Charles